One of the major hassles of traveling are all the arrangements that need to be made beforehand. For those always on the go, the easiest way to book and pay for flights and hotels is to do it online. But in order to do this, you usually have to have a credit card. I think this immediately discourages some people from planning and booking trips. Some people just don’t have credit cards or would like to control their spending and not use it excessively. If you’re trying to stick to a certain budget, it helps to pay in cash so you don’t have to worry about future bills.

One of the reasons I like using Traveloka, a flight and hotel booking app to book my trips is because of its wide range of payment choices. While the Traveloka app allows users to pay via credit card or Paypal, you can also pay by online bank transfer, debit card, over the counter at banks, and even through 7-Eleven!
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