One of my frustrations when shopping is that most top-performing outdoor gear (ex. convertible dri-fit pants, trekking shoes, or backpacks) seem to have been designed for men. Tall men at that. Unless I shop in the kid’s section or luck out with (frequently out of stock) S or XS items, my height makes it difficult to find good gear that fits properly.

Another thing that annoys me about travel gear is that most items for women almost always come in extremely girly designs of bright pink and purple (just look at the running shoe section of most stores. No offense, but not all girls like pink and purple, although Hit-Girl looks really cool and badass in violet.
Anyway, it’s great to know that some brands like Deuter have gone the extra mile and have designed women-specific backpacks that are just as tough as those made for men, and don’t look like they came from a Mattel catalogue.
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