Wondrous and stunning as the centuries-old temples of Angkor Archaeological Park in Cambodia may be, if you’ve just spent two days straight just looking at nothing but temples, it is possible to get “templed out.”
Tag: siem reap
Tomb Riding in Cambodia (Part 2)
On our first day of biking around Siem Reap, we rented a couple of mountain bikes to explore Angkor’s ancient temples. On our second and third day, we decided to take it slow and just rent city bikes instead. As hardcore as the mountain bikes look, we found out that most of the terrain was pretty flat. We also found ourselves spending more time on foot, channeling our favorite archaeologist-adventurers as we ventured into ancient temples and ruins. Who knows what hidden treasure we might stumble upon?
Tomb Riding in Cambodia (Part 1)
Cambodia is home to Angkor Archaeological Park, one of the most important historical sites in Southeast Asia. The site, which encompasses dozens of temple ruins, including Bayon, Ta Prohm and the legendary Angkor Wat, has been designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Partly because the movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) was filmed here, this historic temple complex has been been on my motorcycle bucket list for years.
Biking Guide: Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Angkor Wat is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the main tourist attraction in Siem Reap, Cambodia. For foreign travelers and backpackers, biking is a popular way you can easily explore the temples around the massive complex. The roads between the main temples are paved and the distances between them are just right for bicycle touring. If you’re into biking at all, I think this is the best way to explore the temples.

Experiential posts:
Continue reading “Biking Guide: Angkor Wat, Cambodia”Food Trip: Cambodia
Crispy spiders, insects fried in garlic and spices, stuffed frogs and barbecued snakes. These were just a few of the snacks being sold along the streets of Cambodia.
Tomb Raiding a Jungle Temple
Towering trees perched from temples ruins; their roots spilling over like tentacles over the crumbling walls. A maze of secret paths led to doorways hidden in the rubble. Faded carvings in concrete seemed to hide secret codes just waiting to be deciphered.
Cambodia: The Yellow Sub Beatles Bar
While having dinner and drinks on Pub Street in Siem Reap during our recent trip to Cambodia, we noticed 3 couples carrying backpacks with camera crews in tow. They all headed in a hurry to a small side street. They looked like the cast of some reality TV show, so of course, we followed them. We didn’t catch them, but we spotted a red and yellow route marker flag by a yellow building with street signs of Penny Lane and Abbey Road on one corner. Amazing, right?
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