The jeepney’s wheels spewed out chunks of mud as the driver floored the engine, determined to get the jeep out of the rut. We sat at a distance, drenched in the rain, our feet caked in mud, but still in high spirits. A little rain never hurt anybody.
Tag: quirino
Siitan River Cruise & Landingan Viewpoint in Quirino
I drifted along slowly with the current. To my right was a towering wall of limestone covered in lush vegetation. To my left, was a rocky riverbed peppered with purple flowers and weeds. We were cruising along Siitan River in Nagtipunan, a town in Quirino province where several major tributaries of the Cagayan River converge.
Photo by Lakad Pilipinas Continue reading “Siitan River Cruise & Landingan Viewpoint in Quirino”
Travel Guide: Quirino
Quirino is one of those provinces in Luzon that’s often overlooked and still off the tourist radar. Formerly part of Nueva Vizcaya, Quirino became a separate province in 1966. While most provinces in the Philippines are known for something concrete, Quirino’s identity has yet to be formed. It was this air of mystery and “off-the-beaten path” vibe that made me more eager to visit the province.

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