Road Trip Guide: Mindoro Loop

Mention Mindoro and most people immediately think of Puerto Galera. This party beach that’s easily accessible by sea travel from Batangas Port is one of the most popular weekend destinations for those based in the metro. But that’s literally just the tip of the island. The rest of Mindoro has much more to offer. Mindoro is actually the seventh largest island in the Philippines and is composed of two provinces: Oriental Mindoro and Occidental Mindoro.  

Mindoro is home to majestic Mount Halcon and Mounts Iglit–Baco National Park, a protected area and ASEAN Heritage Park. It’s the only place in the country where you can find the critically-endangered tamaraw (Mindoro dwarf buffalo). Mindoro is also the home of the Mangyan, eight distinct indigenous groups with their own tribal language, ancient script and customs.

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Travel Guide: Bulalacao, Oriental Mindoro

Most people associate the province of Oriental Mindoro with Puerto Galera. This party beach has long been a favorite summer destination for those based in the metro because of its proximity to Manila. While Puerto Galera is located at the northernmost tip of Mindoro island, down south on the opposite end lies a destination that will appeal to those looking for quiet and secluded spots for quality beach-bumming minus the crowds – Bulalacao.

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