5 Philippine Landscapes as Magic Cards

One of the most meaningful gifts I got during graduation was a set of five basic land cards laminated and turned into bookmarks from a friend who introduced me to the game Magic: The Gathering. An attached note said: “I want to show you the world, but I have no money. Hope these inspire you to explore the world on your own.” Well, they have.

Here’s my version of the five basic lands – plains, island, swamp, mountain and forest – representing five places in the Philippines I’ve been to since then. 🙂

Plains:  La Paz Sand Dunes, Ilocos Norte

The La Paz Sand Dunes is a protected sandy coastal desert and beach close to Laoag City, the capital of the province of Ilocos Norte. The sand dunes of Ilocos were said to be created by the interaction of the wind, sea, and river that together cause erosion and deposition. Everyone had a blast trying out the sand boarding and riding 4×4 vehicles around the dunes earlier this year during the Lakbay Norte Media tour. Continue reading “5 Philippine Landscapes as Magic Cards”

A Swarm of Scooters in Saigon

The buzz of motorcycles on the city streets is one of the first things you notice about Saigon. Here, the nimble motorcycles expertly weave their way between hulking buses and hapless cars stuck in traffic.

From retro vespas in candy shades to rusty skeletons strapped down with market goods, you could say that the motorcycle cuts across all social classes in the country.

Continue reading “A Swarm of Scooters in Saigon”

First Aeta Forest Food Festival

1st Aeta Forest Food Festival. Capas Tarlac near Mt. Pinatubo. Aetas will show how to hunt bayawak, snakes, wild boar & cook food using traditional methods of the forest through customs, dances & rituals. Will also share traditional food customs with Agta, Dumagat tribes from Zambales, Quezon, Rizal.”

The text message invitation forwarded by Dondi Tawatao, a photojournalist friend who shoots for Getty Images, had me interested at once. Early the next morning we were headed to Capas, roughly 3 hours away from Manila, via a Victory Liner bus and then on a tricycle bound for Barangay Sta. Juliana. Though we initially planned to return to Manila the same day, the long tricycle ride through a winding mountain road where houses were few and far between, gave us a clue that we were probably going to be spending the night there. Continue reading “First Aeta Forest Food Festival”

The Beer is on in Saigon

Though Vietnam is not really known for having the best beer in Asia, for some people, a vacation would not be a vacation without sampling the local brew. Think of it as part of enjoying the local culture.

Here’s a rough guide to some Vietnamese beers we tried, with ratings provided by Travel Up’s resident beer connoisseur Art Fuentes (who happens to be my husband and the reason our travel fund has to have an allocated “beer budget”). Continue reading “The Beer is on in Saigon”

Discovering Bontoc in Batangas

After covering a biodiversity expedition in the Verde Island for a news story, I got to visit this really cool diving resort called Bontoc in Batangas Bed and Breakfast (BBBB) to interview Romeo Trono of Conservation International. The cozy resort definitely warranted a feature of its own. For more information on the place itself, please read the feature published in Sunday Inquirer Magazine, Bontoc or Batangas? Both! Below are a few more photos of the place.

View of Mt. Gulugod-Baboy from the BBBB’s balcony Continue reading “Discovering Bontoc in Batangas”

Adventure in Adams, Ilocos Norte

Nestled deep in the mountains, surrounded by forests, streams and rice fields, Adams Village in Ilocos Norte is just one of those places that remind you of the rural town that most RPG heroes start their adventure from.

The community hidden from the world has all the elements of your basic mountain town – rolling hills, narrow dirt trails you can only navigate on foot, rickety bridges hanging over rivers, as well as the occasional wild beast blocking the path. Continue reading “Adventure in Adams, Ilocos Norte”

Revisiting Rizal Monuments in the North and South

To commemorate the 150th birthday of National Hero Jose Rizal on June 20, 2011, the Philippine Center for Photojournalism (PCP) contributed to a photo project of Interaksyon.com, TV-5’s website.

In order to show the importance given by a town, city or municipality of a tribute to the hero, they asked members to contribute one picture of a Jose Rizal street, avenue or plaza with his statue to show its current status. To add to the variety and get a nationwide scope, they asked photographers in Manila to contribute pictures from the provinces. Continue reading “Revisiting Rizal Monuments in the North and South”

A Garden Wedding at Casa San Pablo, Laguna

About a month ago, environmentalist friends Rina and Don tied the knot at Casa San Pablo in Laguna. I found their wedding venue so great that I ended up interviewing owner Boots Alcantara after the dinner reception for this article published in Sunday Inquirer Magazine.

It was our first time to visit Casa San Pablo, which is one of the destinations in the famous Viaje del Sol route, a popular art, culture and foodie destination tour. Continue reading “A Garden Wedding at Casa San Pablo, Laguna”

Eco-friendly Kapuluan Vista Resort in Pagudpud

Lakbay Norte 2, Night 3: Kapuluan Vista Resort

Our stopover in Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte was Kapuluan Vista Resort (KVR), a laid-back resort owned by surfer couple Mike and Alma Oida. Everything about KVR was so cool and eco-friendly, that it was a pity we only got to stay one night.

KVR exudes an aura of ultimate relaxation and just all around happy vibes. Though it was far from beach weather during our stay, I could see that this is an ideal vacation spot not just for surfers, but for families and friends looking for a great place to stay. Continue reading “Eco-friendly Kapuluan Vista Resort in Pagudpud”

5 Cool Motorcycle Riders in Video Games

I’ve been wanting to modify my scooter Chocobo to resemble something more video-game like. While doing research on motorcycles in video games, I thought I might as well make a list of video game bikers from the games I have played. I’m not really a fan of driving/racing games and prefer RPG/adventure so I’m sure I missed out on a lot. Be sure to check out the links for videos of the motorcycles in action.

Cloud Strife

  • Game: Final Fantasy VII
  • Occupation: Mercenary and ex-member of SOLDIER (a select, genetically augmented military unit operating under the defacto world government and mega-corporation Shinra Electric Power Company)
It takes extreme skill to ride a bike on a highway while wielding a big-ass sword. Cloud first obtains the cool-looking silver and black Hardy-Daytona bike in the motorcycle minigame in FFVII which is crucial in the escape of Midgar. After stealing the Shinra motorcycle, Cloud has to navigate the highway full of motorcycle guards and highway patrol.

Continue reading “5 Cool Motorcycle Riders in Video Games”